
Showing posts from August, 2020

Aircraft System Failure

One of the most dangerous failures that can occur in an aircraft is the blockage of the pitot-static system. The pitot static system consists of the pitot tube and the static port. The pitot tube is responsible for measuring dynamic pressure which is present when the aircraft is moving, and static pressure, which is always present, whether the aircraft is at rest or moving. The pitot tube collects total pressure (dynamic and static pressure) but sends only the dynamic pressure to the airspeed indicator (ASI). The static port collects the undisturbed air on the side of the aircraft and as atmospheric pressure changes, the air is moved freely to correspond to the changes in pressure. The altimeter and vertical speed indicator (VSI) both utilize static pressure to correctly display altitude and rate of climb or descent. When the pitot tube becomes blocked, it will display incorrect airspeed information and will act as an altimeter. Blockage can be due to moisture, ice, insects, and debris...

Ethics in Aviation

          Ethics plays a wide role in the Aviation industry. From the pilots, to crew members, maintenance personnel, TSA agents, safety inspectors, ramp agents and many more, each role has their own responsibility in keeping their professionalism and ethical mindset as their first priority. Ethics can be defined as " the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation ." (Merriam-Webster) I believe that anyone working in the Aviation industry, their ethics are built upon and created in the classroom. Anyone who works in the Aviation industry, or any industry works by a code and has a set of rules to follow. Ethics is not some kind of guideline or regulation that you are told to follow, they are your moral judgments and behavioral decisions that you make on the job. Patrick Benton in his article "Ethics in Aviation Education" does a great job summarizing what ethics means in aviation and how guiding the student to recog...